HC feeder school opens for the new school year
While no one knows overcrowding better than HC, it is not the only Fayette County school with this experience. The Fayette County board has made plans to build three new schools to try and compensate for it’s rapid growth.
At the beginning of the 2016-2017 school year, two elementary schools, Garrett Morgan and Coventry Oak, opened. Sarah Woodford, principal at Garrett Morgan and Shamiah Ford, principal at Coventry Oak, both have experience in leading schools.
While these schools have just been released to the public, the construction of the new high school is still in the process of being built. Although the school hasn’t been named yet, the school is scheduled to open next school year. The opening of this school will help with the overcrowding issue at HC.
Garrett Morgan was officially named in August of 2016. After a Kentucky native, an inventor that patented many appliances, including, a model respirator and traffic light.On Garrett Morgan’s school web page information is given about name origin and the inspiration for it.
“A big reason that we picked Garrett Morgan as our school name is because Garrett Morgan represented the innovation, diligence, and creativity that we seek to instill and cultivate in all of our students,” the school website claims.
But as with all new schools, some issues arrive. For example, the construction of the playground is a concern in addition to the slowly growing library. “Starting on March 11, Garrett Morgan is having an online Titlewish fundraiser. All of the money they raise will go directly to purchasing new materials for the school library. ” the school website claims.
Many kids at Garrett Morgan Elementary complain to their parents about the schools lack of a playground. Addison Tolle, a first grader at Garrett Morgan Elementary, said that she brings a toy to school so that she has something to fill this empty time.
“Most of the time we are taken outside to play, but without the playground there is nothing to do,” Tolle said. “I usually try to bring a Barbie or two to help pass the time.”
Garrett Morgan web site: http://www.gmorgan.fcps.net/