Wrapping up the Jan 15 2019 SBDM meeting
The Jan. 15 2020 SBDM meeting began with the adoption of agenda and minutes of the Jan. 8 SBDM meeting. The meeting was followed with the public comment. HC Parent Carla Vanhorn expressed her concerns for the current grading scale versus a ten point grading scale (90-100 is an A). HC Counselor Sharon Wesley-Porter proposed the idea of moving HC to a ten point grading scale and pushing the idea to Fayette County Board of Education so the council could move to vote for the new grading scale in future meetings.
HC Technology Resource Teacher Tim Bernardi reported that HC has 1300 Chromebooks and Fayette County is working on a 1:1 Chromebook student ratio, whether it be Chromebooks in every classroom or students being able to take Chromebooks home. Next, the SBDM council discussed the school reports featuring statistics about students’ test scores and grades. The SCIF and activities budget was accepted.
The Council then decided to move the April meeting to April 15 and have all committees report their stance on block scheduling back to the SBDM by that date. All committees will be requested to report their stance but are not required to meet.
HC Student Representative Grace Ramey reported that Sources of Strength has been getting a lot of media publicity. The meeting was then concluded with the good news report. Per a parent’s request, attendance has been calling home about absences and tardies to alert parents earlier in the day. After the meeting was accidentally adjourned, the SBDM opened the meeting back up for public comment. HC English teacher Molly Jones asked about changing the weight of finals in academic categories. Jones will follow up with her proposal in a future meeting.
The next SBDM meeting will be Feb 12 at 5:30 in the HC library.