With times changing, it is important to support local musicians

Music is a pivotal component of people’s everyday lives. It brings people closer together and helps them to forget about the struggles of everyday life, if even for a split second. Without something distracting people from their hardships, life would practically become unbearable. For many, music is an outlet.

The typical person may listen to the big name artists, like Kanye or The Weeknd, but local musicians are the backbone that brings communities together. Whether the venue is a locally owned coffee shop or restaurant, local musicians bring that special persona that gives their specific community character.

With downloadable music, the live music industry is quickly dying out. It is difficult at times for musicians to make money doing what they do so many have no other choice but to stop. If local musicians and their venues were advertised more then it would certainly benefit both them and the local businesses.

Recently, the Kentucky Music Hall of Fame faced the danger of closing due to the lack of funding. Many Kentucky musicians are recognized in the Hall of Fame’s exhibits, and it would be a tragedy if this piece of music history were to be shut down because of the lack of interest by today’s population.

People like Governor Matt Bevin are really threatening this state’s future of music talent. Bevin believes in cutting the funding for the arts programs, which includes music. If the arts program loses its funding, then the number of musicians succeeding in local music will vanish.

All in all, music is a relatable tool that people use to connect with others and to help cope with the struggles of everyday life. Supporting local musicians is quite simple. Each local musician appreciates every single person that attends their shows, and people can show their support by attending their music venues. Let’s make America great again, by supporting local musicians.