Dyer spotlights the Technology Department

The Technology Department is not a well-known aspect of HC. However, the school would struggle without the help of such an integral part of the system. Members of the department include Tim Bernardi, Roger Mullins, and HC Senior Dan Justice. Justice is the only student member of the Technology Department, which is a large accomplishment considering the amount of skill that is necessary.

One of the department’s numerous responsibilities is to help out teachers with any technology-related problems they may be having. The Technology Department as a whole puts forth their best effort in order to keep teachers happy.

“I spend the most time… helping teachers with technical problems,” Justice said.

Justice and the rest of the department understand and appreciate the difficulties of being a teacher. One member knows firsthand what being a teacher is like. Bernardi was a teacher for a large period of time before becoming a member of the Technology Department.

“I was a classroom teacher… for numerous years,” Bernardi said. “I can relate to the teachers because… I’ve been in their shoes.”

The Technology Department works to help the teachers of HC, and they notice. Many teachers, including HC English teacher Kevin Lentz, are grateful to the department for the help they have provided.

“Mr. Bernardi and Mr. Mullins are fantastic,” Lentz said. “I could give… a twenty page list of the times they’ve come down [to help].”

Another responsibility of the department is to manage the technology budget. They work with the technology committee to decide where to allocate the budget. Bernardi himself chairs the committee.

“I’m responsible for the technology budget with the technology committee,” Bernardi said, “[and] I’m responsible for purchasing all the technology throughout the building.”

In short, the HC Technology Department performs many tasks crucial to the function of the school and has become irreplaceable. It’s doubtful that the school could hold up without their assistance.