Photo Gallery: Lexington gathers to support women’s rights and equality

By Nina Rennard and Rowyn Moore

On Jan. 20, the NOW Women’s March Anniversary Rally was held at the Fayette Circuit Courthouse. The rally began with the KY Secretary of State, Alison Lundergan Grimes speaking to the crowd, followed by KY State Representative Attica Scott. Other women speakers included Lexington City Councilmember Angela Evans, Antonio Franklin Jr. Violence Intervention Project member Anita Rowe Franklin, Community Activist Marsha Jean Moors, KDP Executive Director Mary Nishumuta, Kentucky NOW member Samantha Rodarte, DACA Activist Noemi Lara-Rojo, Planned Parenthood Advocate Jenny Clay, and Kentucky NOW member Brandy Hosmer. Local singer-songwriter Carla Gover sang, “There’s a Hole Where your Soul’s Supposed to be.”  All speeches were translated by a sign language interpreter. Men and women both made signs and participated in chants to show their support for women’s rights and equality for all. Lexington was one of the many cities to participate in recognizing the one-year anniversary of the first Women’s March.







