HC DanceBlue gears up for mini-marathon

DanceBlue is a non-profit organization that supports the DanceBlue Hemotology and Oncology Clinic.. While its central organization is housed at University of Kentucky, local schools hold mini marathons to support the cause.

“[The DanceBlue marathon] gets people together and celebrate all of the money we have raised to go to DanceBlue at UK,” HC junior Elena Andrews.

Students raise $25 or more for the mini-marathon with prizes to the top fundraiser. At the event, students participate in a variety of activities.

“[At the marathon we will be] playing games, listening to speakers, service projects, eating, and celebrating what DanceBlue is,” Andrews said. “The idea of helping people who need it.”

DanceBlue also holds a variety of events throughout the year that help raise money for the charity. Many restaurants throughout the city give some of their profits to the organization on certain nights. DanceBlue student volunteers also have raised money throughout the school year with the help of other students and faculty members.

“We have restaurant night, we sell candy grams, we have bake sales, and we have tennis tournaments,” Andrews said.

All of the money raised by the schools goes to UK DanceBlue, which then goes to the Golden Matrix Fund.

“In the Golden Matrix Fund, part of the money goes to research, part of it goes to quality of life for patients, and the other part pays for a child life specialist and education specialist at the clinic,” Andrews said.

For more information about DanceBlue, students can go to room 3 or room 42 and pick up an information packet about the upcoming marathon on Nov 16. Be quick, however, as sign-ups end Nov. 1. Students can also support DanceBlue by buying baked goods at bake sales in the downstairs green hall on Tuesdays and Thursdays in preparation for the marathon.