HC multiplex prepares for their first student computers
The technology committee at HC recently decided to use extra money to fund a new computer cart for the multiplex. While computer labs are accessible in the main building, this will be the first time that computers are available for students in the portables.
A computer lab will be a welcome change as the multiplex outside has been without computers for the past three years. Teachers are welcoming the valuable teaching assistance with open arms. HC English teacher David Buchanan believes this will be a helpful addition in the multiplex.
“The teachers here have realized that [computers] are effective,” Buchanan said. “They will help us all.”
Buchanan believes the new cart will help teachers do research and activities for their class, but he also thinks it is important that students have access to these tools in order to develop skills for life.
“The teachers want their kids to be computer literate,” Buchanan said. “[They need] to be able to do the research they will need… in college and life.”
While this will be new for teachers in the multiplex, teachers in the main building have had computer access for multiple years, most integrating technology into their lesson plans. HC biology teacher Adam Davis is among these teachers and has had computers available for his class for the past few years.
“I like the instructional advantage computers can provide,” Davis said. “They’re especially helpful. Results are better with technology.”
While Davis believes that computers are extremely useful in classes, he thinks without them, it could still be possible to teach.
“I could teach without them; I did for years,” Davis said. “I do use them now.”
Students believe that computers in the multiplex will expand their learning opportunities.
“I use computers in most of my classes,” HC Sophomore Joseph Ashy said. “I use them fairly often and think the new computers will be extremely helpful to students and teachers.”
The new computer lab is going to be operational before the end of November and available to all teachers with classrooms in the multiplex.